Sunday, June 1, 2014

45 Minutes From Home!

I love living 45 minutes from this:
It's Sunday, we've hiked, we've eaten from THE best deli in the world...
Believe it or not, yup, that is the best sandwich place EVER. Try it out! It's on Prescott near (or in) Pacific Grove. Bennett will ask you what you're doing for the day and every time your answer is "Going to Point Lobos", he will unfailingly warn you about the poison oak. Don't miss the 3 or 4 layer cakes, which wahhhh! I can't eat. The German chocolate looked GOOD today. :-) 

So off to beautiful, sea lion, otter and seal-worthy (whales, if you're lucky) Point Lobos state park...where, even though it's populated, most trails are desolate enough to force an abundance of selfies. :-)

I just discovered I can blog from my phone. WATCH OUT! LOL :-) Happy Sunday!