Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fear Not!

Robin, here. First-person this time. I felt a little bit like I was writing those Dick and Jane books. Isn't that what they were called? "See Jane run. Run Jane run. Go Spot go!" :-)

So everyone and their mother probably knows that somehow in the last few years I have developed a pretty significant fear of flying. Don't know exactly why. Maybe 9/11. Maybe because I got married and there's a lot of cool stuff to enjoy with him around and I'd hate to miss that. Maybe I just change fears every seven years like my grandma says our taste buds do.

Whatever the reason, the fear is there and it's got a stronghold on me. If you know me well, we've discussed this. And you have given me remedies, ideas to distract myself, encouraging words, reassurances, and offers of prayer for a safe flight.

And I thank you for that. I really, really do from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

As I am preparing for our trip (I know you are all holding your breath to see whether or not I get all my stuff into that carry on suitcase), I find myself thinking over and over "fear not". And those two words have me remembering something that Beth Moore shared in one of her bible study videos. I don't remember the reason she needed one, but she had a "Fear Not" journal. Nothing fancy, just regular paper printed out from her printer and put into one of those simple report covers. And on the front she wrote in GIGANTIC letters "FEAR NOT!!!".  She said she pulled it out and read the verses inside from God's Word that had to do with NOT being afraid when she needed it most.

I think I shall do the same.

So I just wanted to share, if there is something you fear or are anxious about---maybe it's not flying, maybe it's something else altogether....maybe you'd want to make a "fear not" journal, too.

Not having a lot of time left to delve into my concordance on my own, I found this website as a reference to get me started.  It is 52 Bible Verses About Fear and Anxiety. The version of the Bible they use is ESV. I don't even know what that is, so I will probably look it up in the NKJ version I am used to. But it's a quick reference, if nothing else.


  1. Just take some drugs! I'm totally kidding! I already told you I have the same fears of flying. Mine started after 9/11. But, I have traveled a lot since then....but I hold my breath at take off.

  2. We were roomies when 9/11 happened. :-(

  3. Yep...we were. Then I moved to Bakersfield. I must have been on drugs!
